Our Story
“If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.” Alexander Hamilton
As a survivor of trauma, Aundrea Veney had an intimate relationship with the scars associated with healing from violence, injustice, discrimination, inequality, incarceration, and the abuse of power. As a Trauma-Informed Mindful Meditation Practitioner and Licensed Femme! Instructor, Ms.Veney knew the power of being present while emotionally expressed. She said the late Harriet Tubman spoke to her in a vision, saying
“I lead mine to freedom, now it’s your turn”.
During the 2020 COVID 19 Pandemic W.E Run4Life was birthed resulting from challenges to navigate increased emotions individuals, couples, families, and communities, were experiencing because of the global shut down. From the immediate loss of freedom to the gradual loss of employment, businesses, homes, and lives. To highlights and re-escalation of discrimination, violence, racism, social injustice, and abuse of power on a global scale.
Just as Harriett Tubman took a fierce stand for hundreds of thousands running for their lives, for freedom. They all experienced the same range of emotions we still face today standing or running for the exact causes. This event symbolizes the stand and runs for our lives, for safety, liberty, and equality. To fully express every emotion that has been presented on the journey. We honor the survivors, caretakers, and lives we lost because of the pandemic, slavery (ancient and modern-day), racism, and social injustice from past to present.
This 5k Run is an annual fundraiser dedicated to helping communities stand for the values they desire, in creating the changed world they seek to live in. We run for honor, equality, safety, and liberation. We run for change because our lives depend on it.
Have fun. Raise funds. Take a stand. Be the change
1. Pre-event Fundraising
Leading up to the event all participant will have an opportunity to use creative ways to raise funds and awareness about World Emotional Run 4 Life. The goal is to get everyone excited for the cause with maximum turn out.
2. Opening Ceremony
At the start of your in person or virtual run event, an opening ceremony welcomes all the participants. There may be special guests to educate on the purpose of the run and set individual and collective intentions for the event, as no one event is ever the same.
3. Survivor and Caretaker Recognition
Immediately following the opening ceremony an announcement will be made inviting the following to receive special recognition from the community.
Survivors of slavery and human trafficking, COVID19; COVID Healthcare Workers, COVID Essential Workers.
4. Are You Ready? Can You Feel It!
In preparing to line up and begin running each registered team will be announced and every teammate or participant will be celebrated as a community. The collective effort is symbolic of perseverance and strength, which is what it will take to achieve liberty, safety, and equality for all.
5. Running “The Emotional Tour TM “
This 5K rout runners will have the opportunity to fully experience and express themselves at designated emotional Stops under the guidance of an “emotional tour guide” if they desire. Care stations will be set up between each stop to ensure everyone is supported.
6. Lighting the Luminaria
Many human lives transitioned in the fight to find safety, freedom, and equality. We light the luminaria to honor their life, their fight and to light the path leading to a brighter future of safety, liberty, and equality for all.
7. Closing Celebration
Last, but certainly not least, we conclude with a community dance and drum circle celebration. Will recognize all our event volunteers, the community’s hard work, and the fact that our light will keep going until there is liberty, safety, and equality for all.